02 November 2017

fomo: October

Binaural Beats Around 3 years ago I stopped listening to my favourite Spotify playlists while working on papers. It happened quite naturally and I cannot provide you with a satisfactory theory of how I decided to enjoy pure silence. Anyway, I discovered I get much less distracted when there are no eagworms playing in the background and the need to skip to the next song costed me way too much time I should had been spending on something productive. Not so long ago, I came across one of those studyblr master posts recommending productivity apps on smartphones and that's how I heard about binaural beats. The app was for iPhones (here is the App Store link) but I also managed to find the Android friendly version. At first it hadn't sounded like anything to me. But this changed with time and every time I need to boost my creativity or quickly focus on something important, I use the app and it does work. And it does work on someone forever skeptical in such areas so you can trust my word. The app has a few playlists of various length and for almost every occasion (think simple studying or relaxation but there's also morphine pain killer, a power nap, airplane travel aid or even self hypnosis).

The Beauty of Canada’s Autumn Foliage Amazing photos by Sanjay Chauhan. Spoiler alert: there's a black squirrel in one of them :)

Salva López Based in Barcelona, worked for many of my faveourite magazines (Monocle, Elle Decor Italia and many more), Salva finds beauty in simplicity and makes a mediocre window look like art.

15 Things That Are So 'Polish' This is basically what living in Poland is like. 4 and 6 are my favourite ones!

Women behind speculum redesign say we need gynecological tools designed by people with vaginas Even the very title of the article reveals the most obvious truth but I guess every women will relate. Literally, having a plastic speculum inserted down there during you regular check-up at the gyno is one of the least pleasant feelings in the world. Can't wait until the redesigned model reaches Poland.

Mirjam de Bruijn turns household cleaning products into waterless capsules One of the coolest zero waste ideas I've came across recently. Imagine no longer having to carry heavy bottles with liquids when you can just get yourself a little box which probably fits in any medium shoulder bag!

The Difference Between Halvah and Tahini Two famous Middle Eastern treats explained (also: a guide on finding the right tahini in your local grocery store).

The Way Out of Burnout As someone who'd defeated burnout a couple of years ago, I can absolutely realte to everything written by Josh Cohen. A must read not only for those suffering but also for the people around them. 

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